Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This isn't my first time...

blogging, that is. I am a recovering Y360 addict. I am not cured, I've simply replaced my blogging illness with that of MySpace disease.

And now, I'm here. And it feels like I'm a smoker who spent the day in a non-smoking building and my day of super boring meetings just ended. These first few sentences are my sprint to the parking deck. Yessssssss!
Anywho, today I learned that registering two teenagers for high school (one Freshman and one Junior) can take three hours.

With my ten-month-old on my hip.

In a school with no air conditioning.

Okay, I'm not being honest. I already know how long registration can take. What I really learned is that my baby girl has a lot more patience than I do.

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