Thursday, September 18, 2008

I've been busy...really, I have.

In fact, I have a video to prove it.

I e-mailed my instuctors, not asking for any special treatment, but just to let them know that I'm a little behind these days.

See, I really have been busy... :)


Jessica said...

Oh no! I hope you guys are okay and get everything figured out soon. Keep us posted!

Andy Egizi, Program Coordinator said...

HOLY COW! Downstate we have 10 days of sunny days forcast so I hope that's true for you too. Will your insurance cover this if it get's worse?

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie, my heart goes out to you and your family. I know how it is having 'home' issues not knowing if you'll even have a house to come home to. I hope everything will be ok. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Raisa said...

Shawn, life throws rocks at us, but you must stay optimistic! Good thing your hubby is there for additional support; good thing you and your family are safe; good thing no one fell into the ravine; and you guys got your 15 minutes of fame, which is always a plus! Quit sucking up all the good luck! - I could really use some... I've had the sniffles all freaking day.

Don said...

Take your time and continue to handle your business. Blogging will be here upon your return.